Sunday, 10 September 2017

139 - Daily profile by app

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

The chart below shows the number of tweets posted by half-hour chunks, sorted by app - with Android tweets coming earlier in the morning and iPhone tweets spread quite equally.

138 - Trumptweets - # of people being followed by RDT

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

The chart below shows, at each point during the period, how many people the @RealDonaldTrump account was following:

137 - New Trump followers per day

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

136 - New Trump followers per month

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

The chart below shows the number of new followers per month.

135 - Trump's tweets by sentiment and month

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

This chart shows an interesting shift in sentiment from January this year through to July, shifting from more negative tweets to more neutral ones.

134 - Trump's tweet by sentiment and app

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

The chart below shows an interesting effect - tweets from android were more negative than tweets from iphone

133 - Trumps tweets daily profile by month

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

The chart below shows an interesting effect - over the past few months, morning tweets have been getting earlier.

132 - Trumps tweets per day per app

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

131 - Trump's Total tweets per day

Charts 131 to 139 are a series of tweets from a spreadsheet I created that logs tweets from US President Donald Trump, and appends them with some other stats to create analysis. Some things you should know:

- All the charts are in United States Eastern Standard Time
- Sentiment analysis is approximate, but interesting
- The election was on 09/11/2016
- Trump was sworn in on 20/01/2017
- For a long time, Trump was tweeting from his own Android phone - this seemed to completely stop around March 2017. Before that happened, we could draw some interesting insights from the app that the tweets came from
- Most of these charts show a full year, 03/08/2016 to 03/08/2017, unless shown or stated otherwise.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

130 - My diurnal tweet patterns, historical

The number of tweets I've posted in each hour, split out by month.

129 - My # of tweets per month, historical

The number of tweets I've posted, by month

128 - Avg battery temperature by day

I measured battery statistics on my Android Nexus 6P for a few months, using 3C Battery monitor widget.

Average battery temp by day - note a visit to a northern hemisphere country (it was summer) in July, and the resultant increase in battery temp in my phone. Temps seem to match ambient temp pretty closely.

127 - Avg percent by month and hour

I measured battery statistics on my Android Nexus 6P for a few months, using 3C Battery monitor widget.

The chart below shows my average hourly battery percentage state, split out by month this year (I seem to be getting more paranoid about battery charge as the year goes on.....working from home for half of June and all of July is the cause of this, really)

126 - Average battery percentage, daily (Jan to August)

I measured battery statistics on my Android Nexus 6P for a few months, using 3C Battery monitor widget.

The chart below shows the average percentage battery charge state by hour, from Jan to Aug.

125 - Battery drain - daily average (Jan to August)

I measured battery statistics on my Android Nexus 6P for a few months, using 3C Battery monitor widget.

The chart below shows the average drain or charge on my battery my by hour, from January to August, by hour of day.

124 - Brisbane to Sydney flight speed map

A map showing a flight from Brisbane to Sydney, with the colour indicating altitude

123 - Uphill climb - Barrington Tops

A map of a walk up a giant hill in Barrington Tops, NSW, showing altitude as the colour

122 - Drive to Vincentia - mobile signal strength map

A map of a drive to Vincentia (with the start and end chopped off), showing mobile phone signal strength. I'm on Vodafone.

121 - Drive to Vincentia - Speed map

A map of a drive to Vincentia, showing average speed, with the start and end of the journey lopped off.